5 Things We Must Accept to Move Forward Towards Success in 2015

We all have goals we want to achieve. Get into a nurturing relationship, get a better job, be fit, start or grow the business or find meaning among the chaos of life these days. Setting resolutions, goals or dreams over these years I’ve learned that the hardest part is the battle I have with myself. It’s not the outside world that destroys our momentum forward created by the New Year or the lack of time or lack of resources. It […]

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How to Stay Calm in the Midst of Chaos: 3 Tips to Regain Control and Be Strong in Stressful Situations

Whether we’re at work facing a difficult situation or at home trying to put the kids to bed, stress can come upon us in an instance. It can be easy to lose control and composure when we’re facing chaos because we get emotional and find ourselves overreacting. Often it is triggered by a sensation that we are helpless or do not have control of a given situation. I have often lost my temper with my kids while trying to put […]

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How to Overcome Fear: 15 Ways to Break Free and Move Forward

We fear the unknown, the unpredictable, the randomness. We fear a dead end job. We fear a low salary in a field we’re about to pursue. We fear losing a loved one. We fear a business climate filled with turbulence, change and disruption. We fear a life without meaning. We fear failure. Fear sucks the life out of us. It doesn’t have to be rational or true to make us afraid. Often fueled by an overthinking mind that gets stuck […]

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How to Adapt to Change in the Workplace: 6 Tips to Gain Control and Move Forward

A sudden, unexpected event happens that forces us to change how we work, to adapt the way we think of our career aspiration and our life. A change in the workplace policies or practices, a change in the relationship we had with our boss or our co-workers or a shock to the overall business from a competitor or other outside forces. These days, it feels like there is so much unpredictability and change that we feel blessed and grateful if […]

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4 Traits of a Strong Mind

A young man was walking in New York City and approached an older gentleman asking, “Sir, how do I get to Carnegie Hall?”. The older man responded as he walked away with a smile, “Practice my boy. Practice.”…or so goes the tale. Like most things in life, if we want to become really good at something, we have to work at it. In a recent book I’m reading titled, “Talent is Overrated” the author, Geoffrey Colvin argues that talent is […]

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